Third Rails.

Monday, March 21, 2011

"The Significance of male hair"

As is evident by my most recent picture, I am growing my hair long.
But im not doing it for reasons one might think.

I am not some sort of starving artist. I am not a musician. Im not that talented.

The most musically artistic I have ever gotten was conducting Beethoven's fifth on my iPod on a windy mountaintop at sunrise..... Or randomly singing when I am positive I am alone...

But I cant play any instrument. Not to save my life. I tried, I failed.

Next, I am not a bad boy. I am not a rebel without a cause. I am more likely to become friends with the professor who gave me an F for not doing the homework, then I am with the local crowd.

So. Why would a dude have long hair and risk ridicule and steryotypes?

Well, much of the reasoning has to do with history. and ethics.... or some similar crap.....
I made the decisions to grow it out when I read the following article.

So. Throughout history, conquered cultures and nations have been forced to have the males cut off their hair. When Rome felled Gaul (modern day France) the long haired barbarians were forced to cut their hair as an act of subservience.

When western culture dominated the noble (but flawed) Samurai culture in Japan, Top-knots and other forms of long hair on males were outlawed.

In the symbolic bible story, when his enemies wanted to defeat the proud defiant Samson. They cut off his hair.

In prison, it is mandatory that men cut their hair short. And the same is true for beards in many prisons as well.

And now, if you want to get a respectable job, you must keep short hair, and a clean shaved face.

If your not willing to make that simple jester of sacrifice, it is perceived that you are not a team player. That you are defiant and selfish by nature.
But this is not so.
I will devote myself to the job I love, and everything else I have passion for.

I will live life gaining the respect of others not by making them comfortable through subservience. If I can not gain the respect of others through my actions and words, then I do not want it.
A relationship with someone who would look down on me for having long hair would be one that is likely doomed to be shallow and superficial.

..... and besides. I just think it looks cool.


Ok.... now I live in Durango now. And nobody here really cares at all about the hair thing. So history has no continuity here.... But its still a fun article.


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