Third Rails.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Peaking behind the curtain.

Wow... Was just watching TV and heard Obama start talking about the steps to create a world economy that started under BushI (really kicked into gear with Regan) and how both democratic and republican congresses moved towards this.
I began to smile at his honesty in confronting this issue.
Then he said that this step was a great step in balancing the budget and creating jobs and "protecting the middle class".
This prompted be to yell "WHAT!? at the TV and flick my eggs at it.

Common Obama. I can at least say bush was too stupid to truly understand what he was reading. But you are intelligent. You know this is a blatant lie. It is not hard for any of those students to understand that that bipartisan globalization have widened the wealth gap and killed jobs.

But he blew past this and proceeded with the rest of the speech and outlining the budget as if each college student was as transparently democratic or republican as the congressmen that he deals with.

Most Americans, both democrats and republicans alike think that we should have a strong military and defense"
Sorry. Bullshit. The republican and democrat's definition of "Strong military and "Defense"" is what most of those independent students see as offensive and unnecessary spending to police the whole world.

"Because all of this spending is popular by republicans alike"
Just because the majority of the budget is supported by democratic and republican congressmen does NOT mean that they are popular by normal people.

The rest of the speech is a mix of hints of hope and truth, with a subtext inbetween the lines to show that nothing is going to change.

We do not need a president intelligent enough to spin and direct the debate already going on in DC. We need a president intelligent enough to know that the debate in DC is a short sighted distraction. and who will talk directly to the people and take his ideas from them and what they really need.

And we need jobs, we need tarrifs, we need transparency, we need protection of the 4th amendment in regards to free speech on the internet, and we need to break the stranglehold that corporate america has in US politics via legalized corruption.

In short, we need someone who walks the walk. Those who talk the talk are just a distraction.

Close Guantamano, tell us the real US unemployment rate, and talk to intelligent people instead of politicians. THEN, I will believe your serious.

To those of you who dont already knwo, just because I disagree with Obama, does NOT mean im a republican, I hate both sides of the two party duopoly.