Third Rails.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Modern Masculist movement.

The top 3 feminism pages on facebook have a combined 37,836 likes. That is almost 40,000.
The top 3 Masculism pages on facebook have a combined 320 likes.
That is .008% of the feminist interest and activity. At the least.
I cant even think of a proper analogy for this disparity.

And when I read and “liked” the articIe that I am about to link, wanna know how many people bothered to click on that little like button? One. Me. That was all.

To me, this sort of disparity is simply unacceptable.

I had been talking to my father and professors about the denigration of masculinity in modern US culture and education. About how the retention rates for males in high-school and college is abhorrently high compared to a few decades ago.How in our search for standardization and quantification, we have created a world where women have a higher probability for success. Not of becoming the US president perhaps, but in the areas of US society that matter most.If they are economic inequalities, then this needs to be corrected. But there more fundamental cultural inequalities which are only widening the gap year by year.

I could go on, about what this means, or how I think it came about, but I have decided that there will be plenty of time for that later.Because I have decided that I am going to create a facebook page called “Modern Masculist movement.Because there really isnt one. All those pages already up there on the Internet that identify as “masculist” is an overly defensive reaction to the more extreme image of the ball crushing feminist. That is not what this would be about. That is not how to bring about the value and respect for the male side of things. There are male aspects of chivalry, nobility, dignity, innovation, honor motivated ambition, and boldness which are needed more and more in the modern world. And yet they are valued less and less.

And I regret to say, that every man who tires to address this problem, lets his bitterness show through and becomes just another person who bashes feminism without understanding what it is meant to be about. (regardless of those who would misuse it.)

More moderate and cautious males fear being misunderstood. Males who do not have this worry, go about it the wrong way.So, strange enough, this creates a scenario where I have only ever seen a woman properly express the ideas of masculism.

I hope to change that in whatever little way I can. But I am behind on school work, and finals are coming up. So for a good while, I shall have to leave you with this.

PS: Another woman who “gets it”. Though this one is kinda old and in a previous note.


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