Liberal vs Conservative Women
My mom tied to rant to my dad to me and bring him down and bring me into her divorce crap. This always pisses me off.
So when she later casually emailed me that all liberal woman were ulgy and republicans were prettier, I didnt pull any punches with my response.
"Actually, I found the reverse to be true.
Not only in the aesthetic sense, but as far as personalities go too. Liberal woman are just more in touch with their feminine side, and generally more empathetic towards others. Where as conservative woman seem to see that side of themselves as weakness. I dated a couple. And they always struck me as falsely forceful and insecure. Always trying to show me how strong they were, is if my male presence was somehow a threat.
And besides, When it comes to the physical realm, the left leaning are more, shall we say, Progressive. Open minded.
And the conservative more.... well... conservative.
So ya. The chances of me being with someone more red then myself, are low."
Its true and kinda strange when you think about it. I mean, even though wearing a dress and getting in touch with your feminimity is historically more concervative for a female, You can pretty much never find a republican wearing a skirt. Only would she wear a dress for a formal occation and if it was expected of her.... and even then not seem comfortable in it.
I could be wrong. I mainly said the above to goad mother dearest, as her attitudes seem to be a little to extreemist and maddening sometimes.
And I would also like to restate that I am NOT a democrat or a republican. I believe both parties are a cancer on american politics that differ from eachother not verry much when it comes to the issues that actually matter.
Im just making a limited and likely uninformed observation on people in general.
But an interesting thing to think about. Weather personality X makes person A lean left or right.
Myself, my personality has me lean neither left nor right, but rather digging a hole in the ground in hopes of falling into a pool of ecotoplasmic goop that will shift me into the 18th dimension of Sudrrok, where I can do some real damage.
But I digress.
What about You? Have you noticed that men have certan personality tendicies depending on weather they lean left or right? What other steryotypes can be tied to politics?
(I just realized what a terrible little thread this is. Luckally I dont have many FB friends, or it might actually get some attention and have people tearing at eachothers throats)
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