Emerging economy shows continued trend to widen the wealth gap. The culprit: Teachers?
"And a recent Wall Street Journal analysis found that even though productivity rose 5.2 percent from mid 2009 to the end of 2010, wages increased by just 0.3 percent. That means only 6 percent of productivity gains were shared with workers. In past recoveries, that figure has averaged 58 percent. This time around, far more of the gains went to shareholders, in the form of profits, which are at record levels.
There are no easy answers for how to fix the problem. Some argue that workers need more clout in their relationship with employers, something that would require a renaissance of private-sector labor unions, which have been on the decline for the last half-century. But that prospect looks unlikely: Indeed efforts are underway in several states to make public-sector unions as weak as their private-sector counterparts."
So fat cats on wall street (ya. thats right, I said it), are hoarding more then ever from the economy, and further shaping it into the degrelauated abomination that caused the recession in the first place, destroying the middle class, and hapering long term sustainability in favor of an adeaology that short term greed should be the american virtue.
And yet, since the protests in Winsconscon, Fox News, The tea party, and MSMBC have half of the american population convinced that Wall Street and corporations are victums of too much goverment intervention, while teachers are making too much money and THEY are the ones who are being too selfish in making concessions.
Two weeks ago, that national discource on teachers was that, the unions protect bad teachers too much, but teachers should be payed more. That the really smart people of the country are disuaded from becoming a teacher because of the small paycheck and deflated prestige. Espically in comparison with other countries.
Yet only in america, we make the same arguement, not for out teachers, but for out billionars. "But we need to allow daddy warbucks to give himself a 54.3 million dollar bonus. If the government gets involved, they might take their jobs somewhere else!"
Of corse forgetring that it was the alliance between Wallstreet, Regan republicans, and Clinton democrates that allowed them to outsource the american economy anyways.
The government slashing the salary of a teacher, that s fine. BUt goodness gracious, keep the government out of the buisness of Wallstreet bankers. Look at the valuable services THEY provide!
I love Ron Paul. I really do. His honesty and his stance on foreign policy has convinced me that he is one of the few honest people in Washington.
BUT, the libertatian philosophy that letting the rich do whatever the fuck they want without union or government intervention will somehow fix everytihng, is a philosophy that has been proven to be verry dangerious in the past 5 years.
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