Third Rails.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What It was, and what it will be.

So I transfered all my FB posts over, and ive noticed that allot of them all seem to be a little too emo. A little too personal. A little too vague. A little too unprofessional.

That will not continue.
I might want to document some personal things later for posterity. You never know, I might actually one day have a wife who cares what sort of past I had. I might cultivate some long dormant ampitious streak and become president of the united states, and someone will want to write my biography.
..... Ya. Likely not. But if I do, I will do it in a separate blog or something. Someplace thinking human beings wont accentually stumble upon.

But for now. im going to only blog about things I actually think about. And that is not generally myself. (not that I can claim genuine humility)

Here are some fairly unique things you may find here:

1: Me trying to cultivate the idea of a moral and modern version of Satanism. A culture which advocates truth and sympathy for the anti hero should be able to understand that the bible isnt exactly unbiased against the first rebel against tyrany in history.
Yes. I am talking about Lucifer.  (I made that freshmen year. Go easy on it)

2: Me trying to argue for the rise of a 3ed party canadate in politics

3: Me trying to argue that a direct Athenian democracy via modern technology or a merit based monarchy would be preferable to the corruption we have in out current republic.

4: Showing how how it would be better if every man naped inthe middle of the day, shaved with a straight razor, and took cold showers.

5: Suggesting books or podcasts. (warning. I will praise [url=]Dan Carlin[/url] allot.

6: Arguing that we bring back tariffs to balance the budget, bring back american jobs, and keep us out of unnecessary wars.

7: Arguing for the concept of modern masculism in gender equality, and that our culture does not value male energy in politics, culture, or relationships. (compare Peter Griffin to Lois, Marge to Homer, Raymond to Debra, and the popularity of Fight Club is easy to understand.)

8: Argue that a new culture needs to focus more on history and philosophy, and less on math and science (at least in broad general education. We will always excel with out specialists.)
Oh. And against standardization.

9: Anything else that would be hard to talk about but that needs to be talked about because we dont.


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