Third Rails.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What It was, and what it will be.

So I transfered all my FB posts over, and ive noticed that allot of them all seem to be a little too emo. A little too personal. A little too vague. A little too unprofessional.

That will not continue.
I might want to document some personal things later for posterity. You never know, I might actually one day have a wife who cares what sort of past I had. I might cultivate some long dormant ampitious streak and become president of the united states, and someone will want to write my biography.
..... Ya. Likely not. But if I do, I will do it in a separate blog or something. Someplace thinking human beings wont accentually stumble upon.

But for now. im going to only blog about things I actually think about. And that is not generally myself. (not that I can claim genuine humility)

Here are some fairly unique things you may find here:

1: Me trying to cultivate the idea of a moral and modern version of Satanism. A culture which advocates truth and sympathy for the anti hero should be able to understand that the bible isnt exactly unbiased against the first rebel against tyrany in history.
Yes. I am talking about Lucifer.  (I made that freshmen year. Go easy on it)

2: Me trying to argue for the rise of a 3ed party canadate in politics

3: Me trying to argue that a direct Athenian democracy via modern technology or a merit based monarchy would be preferable to the corruption we have in out current republic.

4: Showing how how it would be better if every man naped inthe middle of the day, shaved with a straight razor, and took cold showers.

5: Suggesting books or podcasts. (warning. I will praise [url=]Dan Carlin[/url] allot.

6: Arguing that we bring back tariffs to balance the budget, bring back american jobs, and keep us out of unnecessary wars.

7: Arguing for the concept of modern masculism in gender equality, and that our culture does not value male energy in politics, culture, or relationships. (compare Peter Griffin to Lois, Marge to Homer, Raymond to Debra, and the popularity of Fight Club is easy to understand.)

8: Argue that a new culture needs to focus more on history and philosophy, and less on math and science (at least in broad general education. We will always excel with out specialists.)
Oh. And against standardization.

9: Anything else that would be hard to talk about but that needs to be talked about because we dont.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nap stops indecision.

I can be indecisive when the decision doesnt matter.

I already know I want to go to the gym today, and head to the Cafe to send out applications. But which should I do first? Would it be more gas eficiant to do one first then the other? Should I eat right after the gym? will I bee just a little too full after lunch?

minor details that go on and on and dont really matter. And so I dont make a decision and end up waundering around aimlessly for acouple hours.

So I said. "fuck it. Im going to take a nap" crawled under the covers at 2:50, woke up at 3:10 and was at the cafe having just sent off my first resume at 3:25

Napping. Im gonna start living by it.

Liberal vs Conservative Women

 My mom tied to rant to my dad to me and bring him down and bring me into her divorce crap. This always pisses me off.
So when she later casually emailed me that all liberal woman were ulgy and republicans were prettier, I didnt pull any punches with my response.
"Actually, I found the reverse to be true.
Not only in the aesthetic sense, but as far as personalities go too. Liberal woman are just more in touch with their feminine side, and generally more empathetic towards others. Where as conservative woman seem to see that side of themselves as weakness. I dated a couple. And they always struck me as falsely forceful and insecure. Always trying to show me how strong they were, is if my male presence was somehow a threat.

And besides, When it comes to the physical realm, the left leaning are more, shall we say, Progressive. Open minded.
And the conservative more.... well... conservative.

So ya. The chances of me being with someone more red then myself, are low."

Its true and kinda strange when you think about it. I mean, even though  wearing a dress and getting in touch with your feminimity is historically more concervative for a female, You can pretty much never find a republican wearing a skirt. Only would she wear a dress for a formal occation and if it was expected of her.... and even then not seem comfortable in it.
I could be wrong. I mainly said the above to goad mother dearest, as her attitudes seem to be a little to extreemist and maddening sometimes.
And I would also like to restate that I am NOT a democrat or a republican. I believe both parties are a cancer on american politics that differ from eachother not verry much when it comes to the issues that actually matter.
Im just making a limited and likely uninformed observation on people in general.

But an interesting thing to think about. Weather personality X makes person A lean left or right.

Myself, my personality has me lean neither left nor right, but rather digging a hole in the ground in hopes of falling into a pool of ecotoplasmic goop that will shift me into the 18th dimension of Sudrrok, where I can do some real damage.

But I digress.
What about You? Have you noticed that men have certan personality tendicies depending on weather they lean left or right? What other steryotypes can be tied to politics?
(I just realized what a terrible little thread this is. Luckally I dont have many FB friends, or it might actually get some attention and have people tearing at eachothers throats)

Emerging economy shows continued trend to widen the wealth gap. The culprit: Teachers?

"And a recent Wall Street Journal analysis found that even though productivity rose 5.2 percent from mid 2009 to the end of 2010, wages increased by just 0.3 percent. That means only 6 percent of productivity gains were shared with workers. In past recoveries, that figure has averaged 58 percent. This time around, far more of the gains went to shareholders, in the form of profits, which are at record levels.
There are no easy answers for how to fix the problem. Some argue that workers need more clout in their relationship with employers, something that would require a renaissance of private-sector labor unions, which have been on the decline for the last half-century. But that prospect looks unlikely: Indeed efforts are underway in several states to make public-sector unions as weak as their private-sector counterparts."

So fat cats on wall street (ya. thats right, I said it), are hoarding more then ever from the economy, and further shaping it into the degrelauated abomination that caused the recession in the first place, destroying the middle class, and hapering long term sustainability in favor of an adeaology that short term greed should be the american virtue.
And yet, since the protests in Winsconscon, Fox News, The tea party, and MSMBC have half of the american population convinced that Wall Street and corporations are victums of too much goverment intervention, while teachers are making too much money and THEY are the ones who are being too selfish in making concessions.

Two weeks ago, that national discource on teachers was that, the unions protect bad teachers too much, but teachers should be payed more. That the really smart people of the country are disuaded from becoming a teacher because of the small paycheck and deflated prestige. Espically in comparison with other countries.
Yet only in america, we make the same arguement, not for out teachers, but for out billionars. "But we need to allow daddy warbucks to give himself a 54.3 million dollar bonus. If the government gets involved, they might take their jobs somewhere else!"
Of corse forgetring that it was the alliance between Wallstreet, Regan republicans, and Clinton democrates that allowed them to outsource the american economy anyways.
The government slashing the salary of a teacher, that s fine. BUt goodness gracious, keep the government out of the buisness of Wallstreet bankers. Look at the valuable services THEY provide!

I love Ron Paul. I really do. His honesty and his stance on foreign policy has convinced me that he is one of the few honest people in Washington.
BUT, the libertatian philosophy that letting the rich do whatever the fuck they want without union or government intervention will somehow fix everytihng, is a philosophy that has been proven to be verry dangerious in the past 5 years.

Random related links:


Last year I had to go to the ER because my pet allergies had my throat closing up... We had a pet rat.
I used to function fine around the families Portuguese water dog. (the equivalent of a poodle allergy wise). Yet going to my mom's place, even that was too much for me, had to hi-tail it out of there and spend half an hour outside getting my breath back.

Some people grow out of their allergies. Mine are getting worse.

Allergies suck. Big time. Ended drifting away form all my childhood friends because of pets.

My brother has Diabetes. And with proper health care and self discipline, you can live life just as you normally would.
But if you have really bad pet allergies, You can no longer spend more then an hour in half of the houses in Colorado. No real way to manage it.
Luckily im mostly a social recluse anyways.

Oh and on another note. ill be going to Egypt and Jordan tomorrow. So that kicks ass. :D

Modern Masculist movement.

The top 3 feminism pages on facebook have a combined 37,836 likes. That is almost 40,000.
The top 3 Masculism pages on facebook have a combined 320 likes.
That is .008% of the feminist interest and activity. At the least.
I cant even think of a proper analogy for this disparity.

And when I read and “liked” the articIe that I am about to link, wanna know how many people bothered to click on that little like button? One. Me. That was all.

To me, this sort of disparity is simply unacceptable.

I had been talking to my father and professors about the denigration of masculinity in modern US culture and education. About how the retention rates for males in high-school and college is abhorrently high compared to a few decades ago.How in our search for standardization and quantification, we have created a world where women have a higher probability for success. Not of becoming the US president perhaps, but in the areas of US society that matter most.If they are economic inequalities, then this needs to be corrected. But there more fundamental cultural inequalities which are only widening the gap year by year.

I could go on, about what this means, or how I think it came about, but I have decided that there will be plenty of time for that later.Because I have decided that I am going to create a facebook page called “Modern Masculist movement.Because there really isnt one. All those pages already up there on the Internet that identify as “masculist” is an overly defensive reaction to the more extreme image of the ball crushing feminist. That is not what this would be about. That is not how to bring about the value and respect for the male side of things. There are male aspects of chivalry, nobility, dignity, innovation, honor motivated ambition, and boldness which are needed more and more in the modern world. And yet they are valued less and less.

And I regret to say, that every man who tires to address this problem, lets his bitterness show through and becomes just another person who bashes feminism without understanding what it is meant to be about. (regardless of those who would misuse it.)

More moderate and cautious males fear being misunderstood. Males who do not have this worry, go about it the wrong way.So, strange enough, this creates a scenario where I have only ever seen a woman properly express the ideas of masculism.

I hope to change that in whatever little way I can. But I am behind on school work, and finals are coming up. So for a good while, I shall have to leave you with this.

PS: Another woman who “gets it”. Though this one is kinda old and in a previous note.

teeter totter

I am a 22 year old single male. I have two knives on my person at any one time, and ride my motorcycle in 20 degree weather, despite that my full face helmet was recently stolen and I rode with a numb face. If I am able to find who took it, I will gut him. In my room, hangs a sword. Next to my marble chess set is a candle holder made of found bone.... Now.... given all of the above, I would just like to say that Tangled is an awsome movie. An equal among the best disney princess movies out there. At the least. I loved it. Shame is, Disney has said they are trying to distance themselves from those magic based roots, and are moving to things like "Mar's needs moms" and "Cars 2".

Ug. It was an excellent fairytale and put me in a good mood. And an excellent ending.
Rode back thinking all manner of happy thoughts, which produced a general feeling of "life is good".

And then a cop pulled me over. Again. At the same stop sign I have been pulled over three times... Even though I came to a complete stop and put my foot down.He said he was looking for drunk drivers.... And so he pulled over a biker... On second....I felt frustration wanting to creep in, but I was determined to keep my good mood, so I opted for amused befuddlement instead. (really spellcheck? thats a word? If you say so.)

But when he saw my smile, he told me that, next time I get pulled over, I had best tell the cop that I have a knife on my wallet/key chain. Because if they feel threatened, I might find a gun in my face....


But ok, ok.  Deep breath. Im still in a good mood, Good movie, a new chill roomate. A cold but crisp night. Bright stars. And so I ride the rest of the way back, laughing at how strange but fun life can be. Cant let a cop with a billy club up his ass get ya down.

And then I check my messages to find my dear brother has apparently pulled some shit, and mother "may I, no you fucking may not" mother,  is implying that she is so upset by my brothers completely legal, on the books, fascination with marijuana, that she is going to get the cops involved in MY home here in Durango, to make sure her baby boy's fragile mind is not corrupted by that evil plant. 

Meanwhile, Mother is watching Fox news 24/7, Fathers job (in addition to the support for my tuition) is uncertain, Brother's best virtue and vice of loyalty has his his vision narrowed and near sighted, I cant stop shooting myself in the foot, Not sure if I can keep my job while getting all my work done during finals, and, oh ya, my 100$ saddle bag just tore off.


Why did I fucking like that movie anyways?! Fucking blondes. Unrealistic horseshit anyways. Wanna rip a head off. MATTHEW! Where the fuck is that address?!


One of the best mornings of my life.

You never know when life will flood into you in its purest form. Take you to a new high.
Trying to get all the memories down quick, so excuse the lack of planning in the writing.

(Warning: the following may also contain spoilers from "The Talisman")

Last night, I thought to myself, "I would love to wake up early tomorrow morning." But I did not have an alarm clock.
I woke up late, had a strange cereal in an expensive house my brother owned, and lamented that I had slept in untill 11.
Then I realized that my brother did not have such a house, and there was no such thing as a cereal that was made out of nothing but crab apples.... And then I woke up.

It was a little after 5:00 in the morning. My Subconscious gave me a dream about sleeping in, so that I would wake up when I wanted.
I love you subconscious mind. I am going to start trusting you more.

So, I put on all of my leather, grabed my MP3 player with my current audiobook on it, started up the bike, and decided to go for a ride.

I rode up to campus saw the shaow of the mountains against the early morning twilight, and decided to keep on riding past campus north east to and along Florida Road.... and the eventual sunrise.
In this morning where everything was somewhere between dim and dark, I was listening to the final chapters of Jack Sawyer's quest to capture the talisman, the axis of all realities, and use it to save his mothers life.
During the early morning, Jack was in a living evil hotel/castle. Trying to do phycological battle with the spirits there.

My undermined navigated and leaned with the mountain roads with ease as I listened, As I read. Taking in the sights and the growing light of my sorroundings without detracting from the story. Knowing that more of my mind was brought to the surface to experience all the morning had to offer.

When Jack finally reached the talisman, the sun lit the back of the mountians in front of me, And I could see more. I forgot to fill up my gas, and was on reserve. and the sunrise was beginning, so I pulled over next to an abandoned farm. I listened/read as the light around me grew, and as the tone of the book began to lighten along with my surroundings.
I watched as three horses instinctivly came out of the unmaned barn, to face the sun. Then they all turned towards me. I suspect not so much as to inspect me, as to catch the warming rays creeping over the mountains..

The details of the book again matched the tone and escalating hope and beauty of the sunrise. I watched the horses and their morning ritual. and I watched the clouds in front of me, their bottom half a mix of hot pink and blood red, their top half a deep puple. 
I paused the story when the clouds began to turn a sort of yellow that reminded me of peaches.
Listening to the singing birds and a roaring river some quarter mile away, I watched the clouds between an intersecting valley of mountains and watched the peach yellow in the clouds brighten and meld with the rising sun.

I got off my motorcycle (Bad Horse? Appa? Epona?), Walked around and the whole valley suddenly lit up in an instant, as if to spite my measure of the slow creep of light down the mountain that I had been watching. 
I spent the next 10-30 minutes (time is funny at such times) wandering around and singing and laughing at the beautiful contrasts of shadows I saw. Blood red berries and still infant apples. I slid down a hill just to stare at some. Took one of the small green globes, bit into it and forced myself to hold the sour piece in my mouth for awhile like I would a sour warhead candy.
It was around then that I realized I was high. Even thought I had not eaten or smoked anything to cause me to be so... But there it was.
I then gave thanks to god by kissing the tip of my finger pinting to the sky, and saying "Whoever is responsible for this, You kick fucking ass!" (though I never would say such a thing to the meddlesome god of the early christian bible, the asshole who makes human sacrifices and meddles in political wars of humans..... but still, there is a good god up there somewhere I think. regardless of bad literature)

Anyways, I walked back up to my bike with a baby apple in hand (gotta take souvenirs on these trips, in leu of a good camera), sat on it, and listened to more of the book for awhile. 
When Jack touched the talisman, all the corrupt creatures who had tortured Jack/Jason through his journey got their rather gruesome and descriptive punishments, Which was somehow beautiful and just.
A voice in my ear/head said, in an ironic and gleeful voice, "Can you say hallelujah?". I could, and I did. Loud to that beautiful valley. To the confusion of three horses.

I made my ride back. Following the story, the cold, but warming, morning wind caused some tears to roll down down my cheek. Never mind the revealed beauty of my surroundings, And nevermind that Jack/Jason had just saved his dying best friends life, and never mind that I had goggles strapped securely to my face to keep out the wind.

I made it back, paused, fueled up, and decided the morning had earned enough for me to pay for breakfast at Carvers.
The french toast wasnt all that great, but the hot tea was wonderful. Even moreso when I crushed a used orange peel against the inside of the glass. It smelled wonderful. I watched as the waiter left a glass under a flowing soda tap, and just watched the makeshift fountain for awhile.

It took awhile for him to bring the bill. but that was alright. I was being warmed by the tea as I pressed play again and read/listened of Morgan's death.

When I payed, I walked outside, started up the bike, Rode up to campus, Parked my bike on the sidewalk in front of my weeping willow, climbed half way up it, sat leaning up against a branch, and read/listened (/ Its the same fucking difference), To the final bit of the story as Jack/Jason  made his trip back to the east coast with a friendly werwolf, to save the life of his cancerous, half dead mother.
I Sometimes, stood, watching the curtain of leaves around me, but always there was a vision of a 2ed (3ed?) world in front of me.

When the story was over, I jumped from first one thick branch then another, then to the grassy floor. I laid down my leather jacket, took off my boots and socks, stared up into the whispering leaves of the tree, and let the day's cumulative energy carry me away in laughter.

I lay there thinking about how it was just not a new day, but a new chapter in who I was. Or at least I was going to use the energy of the day that way.
It seems to me that if you get enough life in you, all at once, it sorta changes the magnetic energy in you. Sort of attunes that energy to this life, this reality, this future purpose.
The energy was always here, it was just polarized the wrong way. And get enough happy life in you, and it can jolt you the other way.

You have no idea when or how this will occour. You just have to be open to it and let one event carry you to another.
From happy realization of a dream's meaning, to invigorating mountain motorcycle ride, to awe transcending sunrise, To tranquil tea, to your favorite tree. All peppered with a good story.

And you can hold on to a morning memory like that and let it change you.
That is the moral of the morning.

..... Or perhaps not. Perhaps there is a different lesson. And that is:
Lets see you have a morning like THAT with a library book. Sure, the pages smell great. But I enhaled life into my lungs and a story into my mind, and can do so anywhere.

.....Ok. That was an inside joke.

Ya. Im sticking with the first interpretation. :P

Solo Tao for Now

I love the rain. This morning it was raining.
I said to myself? "I should take a shower." But that sounded stupid. So then I said to myself. "Fuck that. I only need to get my hair wet."

And so I spent the morning slow walking in the backyard in just my sandals and pants. In a sort of meditative state. Letting the rain pound down on me and just enjoying the beauty of raindrops running down darkened bark, living breathing drinking leaves and the blood red berries.
You can see the beauty of an upsidedown world by putting your eye to that drop. And by putting your tongue to it and having it rush into your mouth; it can give you more energy then a whole cup of coffee.

And then I tried again to get my new computer to start up, fail.
Went to the library and got a message..... Sigh.
The morning always start out better then the reality of the day.

I gotta be more tao. Accept my inner nature.
Do not fight or struggle against that or the circumstances I find.
This is not a time to talk or network. Couldnt even if I wanted to.

This is a time to withdraw, read, reflect, and Be.

The ability to obey signs is not a substitute for common fucking sense.

I almost laid the motorcycle down.

I was approaching a 4 way intersection. There was another guy at the stop sign to my left. But he didnt even look. He went up to the stop sign, stopped, and pulled right out in front of me.
I Put as stady and even pressure on the front and back break as possible without hitting the guy. Started skidding and fishtailing anyways. But I was able to retain control of the bike and bring it to the side with a surprising amount of ease. So.... go me.
But still! Why the fuck even stop at a stop sign if your not even going to bother to fucking look for oncoming traffic!? Isnt that the whole fucking point?

When you are at an intersection, LOOK BOTH WAYS! Jesus. That should not be such a hard concept. Im no poster boy for road safety, but thats something you are supposed to learn when you are four years old while holding you mothers hand.

Anyways, after he heard my horn as I swerved and braked, he looked back at me with panic on his face and accelerated away like a bat out of hell. Didnt want to say sorry for fear it might be awkward....
A dumbass and a coward.

Oh well. At least I know ive got good reaction time on the bike. If I was in a car, I would have hit the guy for sure.

Quick motorcycle ride; The rain reveals a tranquil mountain sanctuary.

Went for a ride yesterday up to falls creek in the national park above us. It was windy. It was raining. It was beautiful.

The rain brings out a deep green and gives voice to the leaves as it speaks with the river. The the light fog on the mountains carried the rays of the setting sun. The clouds above didnt so much move the light across the landscape as it moved the landscape beneath the light and beneath my feet.

For an hour I walked. For an hour I sung spontaneity to the trees. For an hour I just sat on slickrock,surrounded by blue and green.

This has taught me, among other things, that I really need a better camera. A phone wouldnt do it justice.

Playground politics in the sandbox

How can Isral be so stupid? Combine this with the killing of 9 humanitarians last week, and support for the blockade of Gaza has pretty much dissappeared overnight.
I get the right to defend yourself. But neither of these groups were armed. How hard would it have been to bring them in and avoid all the geopolitical backlash?

Israel started out as the little kid in the playground who was getting picked on by everybody else. Then comes big brother US to help them out..... fast forward 10 years, and Isral starts going around punching everyone else in the face for looking at them wrong, because they know that we have their back....
Our unconditional support makes them stupid.

Shifting context; Sealed with a brand.

ast night I found myself laying on the carpet drinking hard cider by the fireplace. Laying there, thinking about the shitty day I just had.
Thinking how I really could have used a friend. Then realizing thats why the day felt so shitty if the first place.
No matter how much an individual professes to care about you, at the end of the day, when it matters, human beings are selfish, short-sighted, temperamental creatures.... That makes me sound bitter, but im not. in fact, it brought me to an important epiphany.

I was never once lonely for the first 20 years of my life.only the past two years or so....people should never be used as a crutch. Im going back to how things were. Being emotionally self sustainable is the way to go.
So, I decided to spend today by getting a nice book, a sandwich, and riding the motorcycle up north to the national park and finding a couple of beautiful spots to just read and think and be.
Its easier to change what you want then it is to get what you want.... And thats how you get what you need.
One is never alone if he counts himself as enough.

So. That was my decision I got up and put my hand on the top of the fireplace to push myself up...... Let me tell you. Those old fashioned metal fire places get real fracken hot, real fracken fast. If you drop a drop of water on it, it doesnt even touch the metal surface really. It just rolls around like a mini ball for a second before dissapearing with a hiss.
And when you put most all of your body weight on that hand........ ouch.
I now have two permanent scars on my left hand. one travels diagonally down..... (Irony?)

Anyways, if I hadnt been drinking before, I started then. Knocking back 7 hard ciders to try to kill the pain while I spent most of the night with my hand under a cold faucet, and the rest lying with a tube of frozen meat in my hand......
im still buzzed, in pain, and verry verry sleep deprived.

Why did I get that burn right after I made my decision?
Is fate trying to tell me something?
Go fuck yourself fate.

My Master Plan

My mom doesnt know I am visiting on a motorcycle. doesnt know I have one..... So in order to soften the blow, I sent the following Email:

Ya. I wouldnt worry about picking me up in Denver or anything like that.
The ride I found on craigslist will take me right up to your front door. How do I know this? Well.... I think im in love with her.

A little bit about the ride I found on craigslist.
She is what many online would call a BBW. Which can stand for "big beautiful woman" or "big black woman".... in my case "big" and "black" both apply. But the W in that sentence is flipped around.

But ya. she will take me anywhere I want to go as long as I keep riding her aaaaall daaaaaaay looooooog.

Also, she is named Julian. Ironic that her name is the same as my favorite roman emperor.

Anyways, see ya soon.
Love ya mom!"

My strategy is that she will be so relived that its not a real person I was talking about, that she wont even care I got a bike. :D


This article is an excellent read.

I epically liked this part.

"In popular culture, rare is the man portrayed as wise, strong and noble. In film and music, men are variously portrayed as dolts, bullies, brutes, deadbeats, rapists, sexual predators and wife-beaters. Even otherwise easy-going family men in sitcoms are invariably cast as, at best, bumbling, dim-witted fools. One would assume from most depictions that the smart, decent man who cares about his family and pats the neighbour’s dog is the exception rather than the rule..."

I mean... have you ever watch Everybody Loved Raymond, King of Queens, The Simsons, or any other popular TV show and noticed how the husbands are all contemptuous to the core, whereas the smart, practical, empathetic and modern wife always saves the day while simultaneously belitteling and putting down the man she supposedly loves?


Since that article was written, the economy took a shit. And now, there are reports that there are more women in the workforce then men.

Im not an anti-feminist. In fact, I was once told, that you were a feminist if you belived in equal oppertunity for both genders.

So if thats the case, I am a feminist.... I just think the pendulum needs to swing the other way just a little bit... At least culturally

The legislation of "Left Behind" and standardized testing has turned our public education system into something that is geared more towards girls.
Look at the statistics of academic acheivment in this country. Unless you want to make the case that women are inherently more intellegent then men, it is clear that we have overcorrected in many aspects of our society.

It could be argued that the feminist movement, Political correctness, And the media marketing behemoth has turned the modern world, into a womans world.
( I will concede that there is still a disparity in CEO jobs and politics. But one might argue that the reason for that is more a factor of ambition then avalibility. But thats a different tangent.)

In todays world, you can not get verry far simply with your own conviction or ambition. You need to network.
Today, many Guys do not know who they are as men, because they subject themselves to the opinions of others.... They become shallow, because becoming anything more, risks making a statement that might offend.

I do not believe in this... I do not try to offend anyone, but I will not sacrifice substance of soul for the sake of comfortable normalcy.

.... That, and I just thought it was a nice read.

... And I love playing Devil's Advocate. :P

I half expect mockery to commence for my opinions on this matter.
Espically as I am attending a femminist lecture tonight.

And you know what? I expect to agree with most of what is said there.
I will also think that she is missing the second half of the conversation.

Although that article is a good read, the author does fail to realize that there are many different degrees of gender and sexuality.
Many today, on both side of the arguement seem to think that you have the barbaric, power hoarding men. And then you have everybody else.
Not so.

This is just sad...

I agree with equal oppertunity. No matter what.
But gender movements on both sides are co-opted by the idea that each gender needs to be like the other. Guys who feel left out try to be women. Women who feel left out try to be men....
Keep the divirsity people.
There are many genders and states of being. all with their benifits. No need to try to lump ourselves into one catagory.

Ok. Im done. Let the mockery commence?

Well.... likely not. As there are only like two people who view my facebook.
*fades into obscurity and non-existence.*

"The Significance of male hair"

As is evident by my most recent picture, I am growing my hair long.
But im not doing it for reasons one might think.

I am not some sort of starving artist. I am not a musician. Im not that talented.

The most musically artistic I have ever gotten was conducting Beethoven's fifth on my iPod on a windy mountaintop at sunrise..... Or randomly singing when I am positive I am alone...

But I cant play any instrument. Not to save my life. I tried, I failed.

Next, I am not a bad boy. I am not a rebel without a cause. I am more likely to become friends with the professor who gave me an F for not doing the homework, then I am with the local crowd.

So. Why would a dude have long hair and risk ridicule and steryotypes?

Well, much of the reasoning has to do with history. and ethics.... or some similar crap.....
I made the decisions to grow it out when I read the following article.

So. Throughout history, conquered cultures and nations have been forced to have the males cut off their hair. When Rome felled Gaul (modern day France) the long haired barbarians were forced to cut their hair as an act of subservience.

When western culture dominated the noble (but flawed) Samurai culture in Japan, Top-knots and other forms of long hair on males were outlawed.

In the symbolic bible story, when his enemies wanted to defeat the proud defiant Samson. They cut off his hair.

In prison, it is mandatory that men cut their hair short. And the same is true for beards in many prisons as well.

And now, if you want to get a respectable job, you must keep short hair, and a clean shaved face.

If your not willing to make that simple jester of sacrifice, it is perceived that you are not a team player. That you are defiant and selfish by nature.
But this is not so.
I will devote myself to the job I love, and everything else I have passion for.

I will live life gaining the respect of others not by making them comfortable through subservience. If I can not gain the respect of others through my actions and words, then I do not want it.
A relationship with someone who would look down on me for having long hair would be one that is likely doomed to be shallow and superficial.

..... and besides. I just think it looks cool.


Ok.... now I live in Durango now. And nobody here really cares at all about the hair thing. So history has no continuity here.... But its still a fun article.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New to this. Blogs incomming.

Completely new to this.
Not sure weather to use blogger, Tumbler, or WP.
So ill use all three untill I decide.

An example of some of my random thoughts/ ramblings. I will transfer over.

Oh. And the name? Zenjamin's zero zone?
lame? Likely. Will likely change later.

But the blogasphere is where all the best independent minds can be found in termis of politics and out of the box thinking on... well anything. Its a community without rules, focused on thouht....

Ya. Im pressed for time. Nothing here makes sense yet.

Bla bla bla.
But soon, I will hopefully have a good blog to catogrize all my thoughts for future reference, and a good platform with which to get my news from other blogs. As ive pretty much decided I cant trust anything I hear on the news or tv or radio.